Design and create your book-themed Shrinky Dink Keychain. Children will need adult help due to the use of an oven and some assembly required.
This take-home kit is intended for those unable to attend our in-person Shrinky Dink event.
Friends of the Faith Johnston Memorial Library Book Sale
Join us for the Annual Friends of the Faith Johnston Memorial book sale.
Babies to preschoolers will enjoy stories, songs, and dancing while building vital early literacy skills! This storytime is for children ages 0 to 5.
Tech Deck Skateboards made their debut in the late 1990's. At this event, we will custom design and create a version of mini skateboards using Shrinky Dinks paper!
Tech Deck Skateboards made their debut in the late 1990's. At this event, we will custom design and create a version of mini skateboards using Shrinky Dinks paper!