Get A Library Card

Chippewa River District Library, library card, green and white with tree logo.

A library card offers you access to almost everything, from movies to entertain the kids or resources for finding your next career. You can find something for every age group at CRDL.

Once you get this card, you can…

What are you waiting for? Get the card that opens the world for you!

Adult Library Cards

  • Borrowers must apply for library cards in person.
  • Must provide proof of current name, address, and a photo ID.
  • A valid Chippewa River District Library card is required to check out materials and access most library services.
  • Library cards are renewed every year on your birthdate.
  • There is a $2 fee to replace a lost card. Promptly report a lost or stolen card. Picture identification is required to replace a lost or stolen library card.
  • The cardholder is responsible for all materials borrowed on their card.
  • Borrowing privileges are suspended if more than six items are overdue or if fines exceed $5.00.

Library Card Application

Children’s Library Cards

  • Those under age twelve must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
  • Cards for children will not be issued to parents/guardians if the child is not present.
  • Parent/guardian account is not required for child applying for a library card.
  • Parents/guardians are responsible for items checked out on their children’s cards.
  • Borrowing privileges are suspended if more than six items are overdue or if fines exceed $5.00.

Children's Library Card Application

Educator Library Card

A separate library card may be issued to teachers upon proper proof of employment at a recognized facility within the library district. Teachers may borrow up to 30 books for up to 6 weeks for use in the classroom.

Please apply in person at the nearest library branch. 

Library Card Application


Checkout Limits

21 Day Checkout

No Checkout Limit

Fine: $.05 per day, per item

High Demand: All new adult fiction and new adult non-fiction.

No Renewals

14 Day Checkout

4 Title Checkout Limit

Fine: $.05 per day, per item

Current issues may not be checked out.

7 Day Checkout

10 Title Checkout Limit

Fine: $.05 per day, per item

7 Day Checkout

8 Title Checkout Limit

Fine: $.25 per day, per item

14 Day Checkout

5 Title Checkout Limit

Fine: $.25 per day, per item

Cassettes/CDs, including language sets and children's read-a-longs.

21 Day Checkout

10 Title Checkout Limit

Fine: $.05 per day, per item

21 Day Checkout

1 Checkout Limit

Fine: $.25 per day, per item

21 Day Checkout

1 Checkout Limit

Fine: $.25 per day, per item

14 Day Checkout

1 Checkout Limit

Fine: $.25 per day, per item